星期四, 4月 01, 2010


Berkeley DB SQL review

昨天發布,今天就出review了 XD

和 SQLite 3.x 原用的底層結構相比,BDBSQL 比原用結構大了一倍,journal就更大,達到17.7MB,而程式庫也比SQLite3大了一倍多(SQLite 380KB(VC8 Static DLL)/520KB (MinGW VC6 DLL) vs BDBSQL 964KB (VC8 db_small_static DLL)/1.26MB (VC8 DLL)/1.33MB (VC8 Static DLL))。當然最大的問題還是journal過大的問題啦。

至於好處我不多說了,Oracle 的 PR 已經說了很多了。 XD

還有,BDBSQL不是用來開啟以前用 BDB API 建立的檔案的。 XD
以下是跟 Greg Burd 的 e-mail 交談:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roy Tam
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 11:06 PM
> To: Greg Burd
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Berkeley DB adds SQL using SQLite API !!
> Greg,
> I have a question about BDBSQL. What will happen if I use SQLite
> library from BDBSQL to open a BDB that is created with BDB API?
> Best regards,
> Roy

From: Greg Burd
To: Roy Tam
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 18:31:25 +0800
Subject: RE: [sqlite] Berkeley DB adds SQL using SQLite API !!

Hey Roy,

Good question. The answer is that it won't work. :) Imagine if you used SQLite's btree.c to build a binary database, then tried to open that up using the sqlite3 command line, it wouldn't work either! Well, it would work *if* you'd used the btree in exactly the way that SQLite's code uses it.

Make sense?


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